Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Don't say I didn't warn you

Games games games. Haven't really been playing them. There are few things better in life, and I've been enjoying them while I can. That, and planning a hectic cross-country move like the one Tom apparently just completed. Yes, I'll be living significantly closer to the City of Games in about two weeks, and I'll be a solid step closer to being paid for this crazy ol' lifestyle. I'll do my best to catch you up on the gaming I've accomplished in the last month, but I warn you it's not pretty:

Call of Duty 3 - Yes, for all my bitching about Activision (which is well-founded, don't get me wrong) I still play their games from time to time. I would condemn myself to hell if I bought the game, but I figured a rental to play the game through on Veteran difficulty with my buddy Matt (whom I played through the second game with) was a sound investment. Well, now he's gone back to school, I'm on chapter 10 of 14, and I just can't imagine this game will get finished. Without someone to pass the controller to when that Nazi pops around the corner and shoots you in your French face for the 37th time, it's just too frustrating an experience. Well, it's frustrating either way on Veteran, but not being alone in your endeavor at least makes the sadistic achievements that can be gleaned not quite so soul-crushing. What of the game? It looks great (even after Gears of War), it has a decent amount of small improvements over CoD2, and as long as you're not expecting any innovation whatsoever, it can be a very fun, rewarding shooter.

Point Blank DS - Weird, huh? Couldn't pass it up for $10 at TRU, and I'm glad I didn't. Because it's Point Blank. On a DS. It's exactly what you'd expect: tapping the screen like Michael J. Fox with a jackhammer. There isn't much of a learning curve to the difficulties since you're probably about as good at tapping accurately at this point in your life as you'll ever be, but it's somehow still fun having a minor panic attack only to come in two targets short of the goal.

XBL Arcade - Yup, back to Hexic. Broke a million finally. And...*shudder*...Zuma. It's so, so lame, such a fundamentally unentertaining game, and yet I must finish it for the achievement, and so I never have to touch it again. I've had buyers remorse since the moment I clicked 'purchase', but I won't feel quite so bad if it's been bested. Also still trying to get that last par time in Marble Blast Ultra, and wrap up the Assault Heroes achievements. The Arcade is where I find myself more often than not when I sit down to play these days, and with Alien Hominid, Worms HD and Symphony of the Night coming down the pipeline relatively soon that time can only increase.

New games you say? Yeah, I'll go rent Lost Planet when I finally get the time to play a real game, no rush. I want to go pick up Wario Ware Smooth Moves today (and probably will), but I still have to finish Elebits. My Wii hasn't been touched in weeks, and it's not my fault. See you soon?

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