Thursday, June 22, 2006

The issue of video game violence may never be resolved...

But at least we can laugh at it!

I have to admit, I am actually worried about how our government will overreact to gaming violence in the coming years. For all the cool, violent concepts that GTA introduced, the game looks kind of crappy. Yes, the idea of killing cops is clearly offensive to some (prudish) people but it's not like GTA is graphically showing you how to remove his spleen while you force his crying family to look on. It's not like you can take a picture of the hooker who gave you the clap in real life, slap it on an in-game character and re-enacted the fire hydrant death scene from Irreversible. You just know there's a next generation game out there that is going to include some deplorable act that turns gamers into the Sodomites of the 21st Century.

There is something that completely baffles me about this whole Congress talking about gaming fiasco - what are they trying to accomplish? Obviously, they will never be able to outlaw these games. As torn up as our constitution has been of late, they can't just start banning popular games. Those people they locked up in Guantanamo Bay aren't popular so no one really cares. But just like we wouldn't stand for Katie Couric being sent to Cuba, we aren't going to drag our shameful butts to an Adult Store just to buy GTA4. We'll be forced to pick up one of two more items as well. Is that what you really want, Senator Congress?

Unless they can rule video games are pornography it seems like this is just a giant circle jerk of video game bashing. A circle jerk that I, (or at least Nick, since only people who have a job actually have to pay taxes... I hope) have to fund. Well, I'm bored of paying Congressmen to play Pong! It's time we stood up and said "No more!" If only they didn't target the laziest group of citizens in our country. When they threaten homosexuals and illegal immigrants, people are protesting about injustice all over the country. Threaten the major source of adrenaline and endorphins for 100 million gamers and we just growl on message boards or our blogs.

So I urge you to write to your local congressman. Tell them that Grand Theft Auto is one series. They can't spend all their time debating the merit of one frickin' video game franchise. Write a letter because you know I won't.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Taking a byte or two

Never have two small news bits had me more excited in one day. I'll keep this brief:

Loco Roco has an unlockable level editor.
Assassin's Creed will have co-op missions.

And I bask.

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