Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Check out the hands on that Warhawk

This is the only time I've actually contributed something to YouTube so, if the G runs slower now, or you just hate have a non-playable video so prominently on display at a video game site, just give me the word and I can change it to a simple link. For now, enjoy footage of Warhawk being controlled by Nick. Yes, those are the hands of Nick on the screen. Note how seamlessly he is able to fly around that barren frigate. I don't want to toot my own horn, but how come this is the only video I've seen that has both the game and hands in the same shot? Doesn't it seem logical that someone would like to see what hand motions are required to move the plane around? Anyway, the Dual Shock 3 (we need it a new name for it now that it doesn't shock) doesn't offer as much freedom of movement as the Wii-mote, but Warhawk was intuitive and instantly fun.

I refuse to believe this will be the reason to own a PS3 come November. I mean, it certainly is fun, but I can't imagine any rational gamer would shell out $600 for a chance to play this game. I wouldn't even pay $60 to play it if I already owned the system. If Resistance continues to play like a slightly prettier though sluggish version of Timesplitters it should be quite awhile before any gamers buy this system. Techno-nuts who just want an affordable Blu Ray DVD player in their homes will eat this thing up though.

By the way, I find it funny that Blogger still doesn't recognize Blu as a word. If Google isn't sold on this Blu Ray thing, how the heck can I be?

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