Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"But I'm using my whole ass"

So let me get this straight: Sony actually thought it would be a good idea to implement motion technology in the PS3 controller, but waited until the 11th hour to do it. Now not only is the technology itself done in the laziest of manners, but there aren't even any games that use it. Does this seem like a good idea to anyone? We all know Sony doesn't have an ounce of hardware innovation in any of their PlayStation divisions, why are they even trying to compete with Nintendo? Any company who feels like making a slightly different type of game, one that hasn't been done over and over again in the last twenty years, will be making it for the Wii anyway. So now Sony is offering an over-priced system with very few interesting games and no hardware innovations to save it... and they actually still expect people to care. Good luck guys. I'd rather buy a Wii and X360 than just a PS3, though.

Moving on to companies that seem to actually know what they're doing. Nick and I were lucky enough to go to both Nintendo and Microsoft's press conferences today. Even more ridiculous: we sat in the 3rd row at Nintendo's event. To give you some perspective, all the EGM writers were about three rows behind us. Crazy, huh? I don't normally like watching previews of games. I like to play them, not be shown a movie that only teases me. But watching Nintendo show off the Wii games for the very first time was one of the most exciting experiences I have ever had in gaming. Even though I didn't get to play it, just seeing something so unique for the first time just felt unreal. For the first time since I was a kid I was just bursting with excitement. I know Nintendo carefully orchestrated the presentation, but everyone just looked like they were having a blast playing these games.

The whole thing started off with Shigs, dressed as a fancy conductor, walking on the stage to raucous applause. He then took the Wiimote from his pocket and begin to conduct a virtual orchestra. It may sound lame, but it looked really fun. This led into a montage of all the games we've been hearing about the past few months. I'm sure you've heard of most of them - Excite Truck controlling the race by tiling he controller, Wario Ware with all its wacky mini games, and Red Steel finally offering something new in FPS. But when they showed Mario... man. I am a huge Mario whore. I would still say Mario is my favorite franchise around. I wish Nintendo would release a new Mario game every summer. I have no idea why they've waited so long to release a new platform title, but the next year should be amazing. We've got New Super Mario Bros. Coming out in less than a week, Super Mario Galaxy coming out within a few months of the Wii launch, a new sequel to Yoshi's Island on the DS. How sweet is that? Even cooler is Super Paper Mario for the Gamecube. They didn't even show this at the show, but there's a 2D Mario platformer set in the Paper Mario universe. I don't particularly like the games, but any jumping is good jumping.

In other words, I can't friggin' wait for this thing. No release date or price, but I will jump on this thing from day one. So good.

Microsoft's conference was just as cool. They didn't show anything particularly new, but I want everything they showed. But we all know about Halo 3 and Bill Gates being the most boring man in the world. What you don't know is that Nick and I got to go to a fancy MS party afterwards. They rented out the ground floor of a hotel, loaded it with X360s and HD TVs, and let journalists loose. Free food of the high quality variety and an open bar too. No clue why they thought we deserved this, but Nick and I jumped in. They even had a chocolate fountain. I totally stuck a strawberry in it too. Ate it right up.

I'm going to cut this short now. Nick and I need to leave in 7 hours. We get to check out all of MS's first party lineup tomorrow and get to try out the Wii for the first time. Can't wait!

By the way, four new Mario platforming title in only a year and no new sports games? Is this heaven?

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