Friday, August 12, 2005

We still love Katamari, hopefully

Irony of all ironies. Well, I suppose it's not really irony, but I'm not sure what else to call it. I'll just come right out and say it: We Love Katamari is being published by EA in Europe. Now, theoretically there are upsides to this; it might not have made it there at all otherwise, and they are a name that can push games, if they want to. However, remember Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath? We all thought that they were being good samaritans when they picked it up where Microsoft dropped it off, but when they couldn't make it multiplatform they pretty much just threw it out there without telling anyone. Now, I'm not sure how EA runs things in Europe, but I know they're not making W<3K multiplatform. Maybe they're just anticipating a high enough demand without it, similar to Half-Life 2 here.

Alright, I take it back, it is ironic and I can't ignore it. The one game that stands for uniqueness, for gameplay over graphics, for everything important and right in the gaming world and the epitome of creativity, released by the most corporate, monopolizing, market-researched company imaginable. They've published some great games whose development they had nothing to do with (Burnout, Timesplitters, Freedom Fighters), and this will be a nice addition to that list, but it can't just be ignored. I'm not even sure how to feel really, I'm too caught up in the sheer ridiculousness of it all. Maybe you have some thoughts.

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