Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Just avoid the Core

I know I've said this a million times already, but I cannot believe Microsoft is still being so secretive about their new console that's coming out in a few very short months. Even though the hype machine hasn't even begun to rev up yet (have we even seen one real screenshot from Perfect Dark Zero?) MS if finally letting their lips flap a little, even if very little concrete information is actually escaping.

According to this article, it seems like backwards compatibility for the X360 will actually be a lot better than anticipated. It seems as though Microsoft has created a software emulator which (hopefully) will be pre-loaded on every hard drive. While some games will probably run poorly or not at all, I wouldn't be surprised if most games end up working just fine. Remember, Sony never promised complete backwards compatibility with the PS2, but very few PSX games fail to run on the system.

It seems like the talk of only a handful of titles being backwards compatible was strictly for consoles without a hard drive. Honestly, why would anyone even consider buying the core package? Microsoft really has to step in here and admit they made a mistake. To get any games running on the retard pack they are forcing developers to create a version of the game that can run without the hard drive. Doesn't this defeat the purpose of backwards compatibility in the first place? I want to play all my old Xbox games on the new system. I want to be able to buy a cheap, used game without worrying whether or not it will actually run.

MS has to be able to guarantee that 99% of Xbox games will run flawlessly on the Xbox 360 or just forget about the whole endeavor.

One point about a puzzling sentence in the column. They said, "One of the rumors floating around is that backwards compatibility will only work with a hard drive." Single J Allard, in his internet chat interview, said "because we didn't abstract storage in the first generation xbox back compat will require a hard drive." Though that isn't exactly English (abstract storage?) I interpreted that as "Core owners are SOL."

Edit: Addition by Nick - It has also just been revealed that you cannot move your Xbox game saves to the 360, making backwards compatibility for games that you already own largely pointless anyhow.

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