Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Call of the 360
It's funny, Call of Duty 2 was one of the most boring-looking games at E3. Every day I walked by the 360 section hoping to see something new (specifically PDZ) in it's place, only to see some faux-excited Microsoft rep playing through the level, pretending it was thrillsville while searching desperately for things to say about it that differentiated it whatsoever from other war games. And I have to say, it's a tricky sub-genre. EA really stepped it up (bear with me) with the first Medal of Honor in terms of presentation. It felt intense, it looked great and it sounded spectacular. There aren't really too many areas to innovate in when you're dealing with a strict recreation, but graphics, realism and AI can always be improved. It was nominal again for a number of years until the first Call of Duty, which threw more of everything into the mix. It wasn't the same step forward as the first MOH, but a step of any sort is always appreciated. Back to E3, things were looking lame. It certainly wasn't showing off the game, nevermind the system. So I'm quite pleased to say things seem to have dramatically improved since then. Maybe it was just the alpha kits, or maybe they just had to throw something together; no matter the case, things are looking wonderful now, and it's become the first war game I've ever looked forward to (well, besides Brothers in Arms, which I wasn't really excited about until I played it). Check it:

And watch this huge, fantastic video, which for some reason hasn't been officially released yet. If you want to get people pumped about the 360, Microsoft, you can start here.
P.S. Thanks to Gamespy for the pic.

And watch this huge, fantastic video, which for some reason hasn't been officially released yet. If you want to get people pumped about the 360, Microsoft, you can start here.
P.S. Thanks to Gamespy for the pic.
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