Saturday, April 09, 2005

Shakeup in Oddworld

I'm not sure how in the hell I missed it, but apparently Oddworld Inhabitants has completely restructured itself, disbanding partially, moving offices and rethinking the way they do business. Upon first reading the news, though a week and a half late, I interpreted the headline and summary as a complete breakup. I was heartbroken - they are truly one of the best developers in the industry, with some of the most creative minds in all of entertainment. I'll be brutally honest though - I didn't finish Stranger's Wrath. I played through the majority of it, but it was one of those experiences that's hard to pick back up once you put it down, since you have to completely reinvest yourself in such an engrossing story and character (same thing that happened with BG&E). That, and there's always a million new games to play. It's an amazing game though, combining tight action/adventure trappings, several entirely unique gameplay devices and of course, stupefyingly impressive art design. Funny how it wasn't even the best game released in January, but it was damn good.

Anyhow, they're a very important and entirely positive influence on the rest of the industry. Dealing with publishers isn't their strong suite, but I don't blame them for being a little frustrated when Microsoft decided it was better off backing Blinx 2 than their game. What they're doing now is essentially becoming a small team of designers and idea men that will create new properties to be used for more Oddworld games, as well as other movies, shows, and media. It's no longer just about videogames, and it's no longer about entirely internal development (assuming I understand all this correctly). In a way, it's like Microsoft's XNA plan - getting the grunt work done more easily so that all creative energies can be utilized to their fullest extent. I imagine this can only be a good thing for a company like OI; Lorne Lanning is an inspired guy, and I look forward to what he can create without the typical developmental restraints. Hopefully this doesn't take him away from pure gaming for too long though - it would be way too odd without him (*bites knuckle*).

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