Thursday, March 31, 2005
Succulent Menagerie
A whirlwind tour through the world of gaming. As the outcry for brevity grows louder with each passing post, I'll whittle each of my topics down to one tidy paragraph.
Most important topic first so this tasty game doesn't get lost in the dirty sex and utter stupidity of my next two topics. Sony finally officially announced 24: The Game yesterday. I realize this is a rather anti-climatic announcement seeing as I wrote a huge preview for this back in January. However, that was all speculation and this is finally the real deal. So how excited am I for 24: The Game? Let's just say I eschewed the pencil entirely and wrote it down on my Must Have list with a thick, black Sharpie. The gameplay is being divided up between the different portions of the show. So there will be driving based missions; missions where you have to take on the terrorists with your gun; stealth based infiltration; interrogation; and even some intelligence work. As cool as the gameplay sounds, the real reason I am excited about this is the story. It's being penned by one of the writers of my favorite show and, since it takes place during the tumultuous period between seasons two and three, should tie up all the questions that have been lingering these past few years. Add to that the real life voices and images of Keifer, Elisha and others and I am so sold it's not even funny. I finally understand what it's like to be an ignorant casual gamer. After lambasting the unwashed masses for years as they bought all the licensed crap that was produced, I will follow the same path with 24. I don't even care if the game is good or not; I will own this game.

According to this news story, Electronic Arts is finally going to make a portable Command and Conquer game. Do you think EA decided to make it on the GBA, one of the best selling systems in the history of gaming? Or do you think they're going to make it for the DS, a system pretty much designed for Real Time Strategy games? Tough decision, no? Well, actually it isn't. Since this is EA we're talking about, the new Commmand and Conquer will be on the PSP. I know I rip EA all the time but this isn't even about them. This is about the sheer stupidity of many of the higher ups in the industry. Yes, the PSP is the most powerful handheld on the market, but does anyone think it would be the ideal platform for an RTS? The DS, with its touch screen control, could very nearly replicate the keyboard and mouse combo for PCs. When you factor in the wireless/internet play, Command and Conquer DS could be a system seller. As it is, EA is just going to release another crappy Command and Conquer console game to a user base that will just ignore it. Such a waste. Hopefully Blizzard will see this and realize they could make a ton of money porting Starcraft to the NDS.
And now... the moment everyone has been waiting for... Hot and Dirty Gamecube Sex!

Click here to see the whole spread. Yummy.
Most important topic first so this tasty game doesn't get lost in the dirty sex and utter stupidity of my next two topics. Sony finally officially announced 24: The Game yesterday. I realize this is a rather anti-climatic announcement seeing as I wrote a huge preview for this back in January. However, that was all speculation and this is finally the real deal. So how excited am I for 24: The Game? Let's just say I eschewed the pencil entirely and wrote it down on my Must Have list with a thick, black Sharpie. The gameplay is being divided up between the different portions of the show. So there will be driving based missions; missions where you have to take on the terrorists with your gun; stealth based infiltration; interrogation; and even some intelligence work. As cool as the gameplay sounds, the real reason I am excited about this is the story. It's being penned by one of the writers of my favorite show and, since it takes place during the tumultuous period between seasons two and three, should tie up all the questions that have been lingering these past few years. Add to that the real life voices and images of Keifer, Elisha and others and I am so sold it's not even funny. I finally understand what it's like to be an ignorant casual gamer. After lambasting the unwashed masses for years as they bought all the licensed crap that was produced, I will follow the same path with 24. I don't even care if the game is good or not; I will own this game.

According to this news story, Electronic Arts is finally going to make a portable Command and Conquer game. Do you think EA decided to make it on the GBA, one of the best selling systems in the history of gaming? Or do you think they're going to make it for the DS, a system pretty much designed for Real Time Strategy games? Tough decision, no? Well, actually it isn't. Since this is EA we're talking about, the new Commmand and Conquer will be on the PSP. I know I rip EA all the time but this isn't even about them. This is about the sheer stupidity of many of the higher ups in the industry. Yes, the PSP is the most powerful handheld on the market, but does anyone think it would be the ideal platform for an RTS? The DS, with its touch screen control, could very nearly replicate the keyboard and mouse combo for PCs. When you factor in the wireless/internet play, Command and Conquer DS could be a system seller. As it is, EA is just going to release another crappy Command and Conquer console game to a user base that will just ignore it. Such a waste. Hopefully Blizzard will see this and realize they could make a ton of money porting Starcraft to the NDS.
And now... the moment everyone has been waiting for... Hot and Dirty Gamecube Sex!

Click here to see the whole spread. Yummy.
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