Thursday, March 03, 2005


Dammit. Even though EGM's Timesplitters: Future Perfect reviews were less than insightful and incredibly undescriptive, their mixed reactions to the game had me nice and unexcited for it. And thusly, my wallet was safe for the remainder of March. Now, IGN goes and writes a multiplayer preview that has me drooling for the game all over again. Zombie moose? Cyborg cactus? These are things that I need to experience where they exist. I absolutely adore the first two games, but I ended up preferring the offline multiplayer of Red Faction, and eventually the off/online multiplayer of Halo. That, and Timesplitters 2 becomes near-impossible to %100 after unlocking the first hundred or so characters. The online multiplayer of Future Perfect sounds great though. I don't imagine it would take away much from my quasi-nightly Halo 2 sessions, but now I definitely have to at least try it.

And if that wasn't enough, I'm now dying to play Brothers in Arms as well. IGN overrates most things quite extremely, but it's still hard to ignore a 9.3 rating and proclamation that it's the best war shooter on the system. Every screenshot and video up until now had always been of the same damn level, which helped to keep me lukewarm towards the game. Now I hear that it looks, plays and sounds like a violent dream, and I'm all over it. So again, dammit, more games to get, or at least rent. I suppose it's my fault for owning all three system so I'm able to look forward to every half-decent thing that comes along, but it's hard to keep my attention on the few games I'm busy playing now, nevermind a dozen more every month.

Jumping around as usual, it would appear that I'm not the only one grossly frustrated with RE4's story. Well, more accurately, everything the characters say and how they say it. The story itself is really interesting, with cults and science and such, but it's marred so obtrusively by the godawful voice acting and script. I can't believe that more reviews didn't even mention it, nevermind mark off for it. It's a major facet of the game, and it's basically driving everything you do. And whether you love or hate story in games (I'm in-between, I always watch it but don't always enjoy it), it should still be up to par with the gameplay. A great story can make a good game even better, but it goes the other way too. In RE4's case, it just completely takes you out of the game whenever Leon opens his damn mouth, whether it's to brazenly reassure Ashley or blab to whomever the hell on his Codec. In such an atmospheric, immersive game, it's like being poked in the ribs every twenty minutes. Oh well, few games are perfect, and it's about the only significant flaw in this one.

Oh, before I forget, bid on this. It's for a good cause, and it's through the best website.

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