Sunday, September 05, 2004


Sorry for my lack of any sort of update to this site of late. With a combination of having a particularly busy schedule at school this fall, combined with devoting all my gaming hours to the utopian bliss that is NFL2K5, I am finding it hard to find either time or an appropriate topic to write about. For that, I apologize. I won't bore you with details on my NFL2K5 journey, as I know most of you don't give a crap about football (and yet you still think you're living?), but I will mention that I've owned the game for about a month and a half and logged about 80 hours into it. It can be completely meaningless to say a given game is good or not, or assign an arbitrary number to its quality. I think 80 hours in 40 some days speaks to the quality of this product.

Moving on...

A funny thing happened on the way home from Gamestop yesterday. Scott and I, returning home from our quest to pre order upcoming September releases, found ourselves walking along State Street next to a slow moving tourist trolley. As it was hot outside and we had been walking for more than 3 miles, I half suggested we should hitch a ride on this free transportation for the last few blocks. A passenger, who was only a foot or two away from us and engrossed in our private conversation, began joking that we were moving faster than the trolley anyway (which is actually true).

As we began to pass the slow moving vehicular mobile, the driver opened the door and, seeing my bag from Gamestop (which contained a wireless router purchased from CDW), asked what I bought. "Katamari Damashi," I responded, talking about the game I just put $5 down for. "What!?" "Katamari Damashi," I said again. Seeing the blank look on the passengers faces, I added "It's Japanese." And then they drove away.

More stories of preorder madness. While in the Gamestop, I asked the clerk if there were many preorders for KD. "Nope, just yours. I actually had to make a SKU just for you." When asked how many copies they would receive he said "We might not have gotten any in."

Just a heads up for anyone out there who wants some ball rolling action. Can't go wrong with a $20 game.

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