Tuesday, September 21, 2004
I wouldn't be a very good videogame writermajigger if I wasn't up at five in the morning bringing you the hottest news from our neighbors to the north, Japan.
So, here's the deal: First, a date, price, and some news on the DS. November 21st, $149.99, and it will include PictoChat, a neat lil' piece of software that lets you send pics and text that you create in it to anyone nearby. Also, the system will wake out of sleep mode if it senses another DS in the area, for assumed pic sending and chatting galore (and, y'know, playing games). The system will be backwards compatible with the GBA, but no dice on system-link multiplayer (the DS doesn't have the appropriate link cable port). So, I'm glad it's nice and cheap, and hasn't been delayed (unlike a certain PSP - first quarter 2005 my ass!); now I just want to see some actual games.
Second item of the night: The much rumored PS2 revamp (and smallening, similar to what the PS1 did after being out for several years), the PSTwo, was unveiled. And dare I say, it's smaller than I would have ever imagined (and half the weight, with a built-in network adapter). I mean, I could fit at least three of these puppies in-between the layers of my ice cream sandwich. And of course I desire one right away, even if it doesn't affect the way I play my games whatsoever. HOWEVER, there are two small problems, and one massive issue with this thing. As far as the small stuff, it's top-loading now, which seems counterintuitive to the size change, and it doesn't support the old multitap (it's just too damned petite) so anyone who wants to game with more than two people has to cough up another $20 or whatever again to do so. The BIG issue is that it doesn't support the hard drive. Now, I wasn't exactly planning to buy one, and I assume neither were the vast majority of PS2 owners, but really, is there any more of a direct way of shitting down the throat of Square-Enix? "Please, abandon our system, for we've just done about everything in our power to stop people from playing Final Fantasy XI in the future". What the FUCK is Sony thinking? I know the HDDs weren't exactly flying off the shelves, but I'd rather they spend their time and money making that happen than tantalizing me with a videogame system that fits snugly in my ear canal. Oh, and it comes out November 1st for $149.99. It will be interesting to see how it competes with the DS, seeing as they've turned into nemesis' for the holiday season. Anyhow, enjoy some sexy shots straight from the catwalk:

So, here's the deal: First, a date, price, and some news on the DS. November 21st, $149.99, and it will include PictoChat, a neat lil' piece of software that lets you send pics and text that you create in it to anyone nearby. Also, the system will wake out of sleep mode if it senses another DS in the area, for assumed pic sending and chatting galore (and, y'know, playing games). The system will be backwards compatible with the GBA, but no dice on system-link multiplayer (the DS doesn't have the appropriate link cable port). So, I'm glad it's nice and cheap, and hasn't been delayed (unlike a certain PSP - first quarter 2005 my ass!); now I just want to see some actual games.
Second item of the night: The much rumored PS2 revamp (and smallening, similar to what the PS1 did after being out for several years), the PSTwo, was unveiled. And dare I say, it's smaller than I would have ever imagined (and half the weight, with a built-in network adapter). I mean, I could fit at least three of these puppies in-between the layers of my ice cream sandwich. And of course I desire one right away, even if it doesn't affect the way I play my games whatsoever. HOWEVER, there are two small problems, and one massive issue with this thing. As far as the small stuff, it's top-loading now, which seems counterintuitive to the size change, and it doesn't support the old multitap (it's just too damned petite) so anyone who wants to game with more than two people has to cough up another $20 or whatever again to do so. The BIG issue is that it doesn't support the hard drive. Now, I wasn't exactly planning to buy one, and I assume neither were the vast majority of PS2 owners, but really, is there any more of a direct way of shitting down the throat of Square-Enix? "Please, abandon our system, for we've just done about everything in our power to stop people from playing Final Fantasy XI in the future". What the FUCK is Sony thinking? I know the HDDs weren't exactly flying off the shelves, but I'd rather they spend their time and money making that happen than tantalizing me with a videogame system that fits snugly in my ear canal. Oh, and it comes out November 1st for $149.99. It will be interesting to see how it competes with the DS, seeing as they've turned into nemesis' for the holiday season. Anyhow, enjoy some sexy shots straight from the catwalk:

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