Tuesday, June 22, 2004
I bring the shit that's beyond bizarre
The newest rumor with the PSP seems to be a possible $249 price point. I've gotta say, I'm fine with this, and I think anyone who was planning to buy one will be too (if it ends up being true). Sony proved once and for all with the unveiling at E3 that it really is a piece of cutting-edge technology, and not just a gadget or a dinky quasi-system of some sort. It's a fucking gorgeous, sensual, desirable piece of electronics, and will no doubt be bought by legions of people who just want to be seen with one, just like an iPod. Yes, gaming is this hip. And really, as a gamer, once I saw it I knew I was going to have to shell out to get one. I'm still completely undecided on that though, and will probably stay that way well past the system's launch date. You get what you pay for, and I think that will be totally applicable for the PSP. The PS1 and PS2 both launched at $300, and this system is Sony's most powerful yet. Just think about the world of computers - you pay at least twice as much for a laptop as you do a desktop of similar power. We should be fucking grateful as gamers to not be paying through our noses for our portable systems. And as far as the DS, I think it will probably be $50-$100 cheaper than the PSP. And if they actually come up with some fun uses for two screens, I'll be just as likely to buy one as the PSP, if not more. We'll see what goes down soon enough.
Elsewhere, I'm really pleased to see EA pick up The Stranger, Oddworld Inhabitant's newest title. Microsoft decided to drop it from their publishing lineup a month or two back for whatever assumably asinine reason (probably doesn't have online play), which was a bit of a shock considering they paid so much to get their last game on the X-Box. I mean, um, it was the best system to develop for. Yes, that's it. Fuckers. Anyhow, it's awesome that EA is taking a chance on them, and broadening their lineup beyond sports and licensed games a bit. It should also give OI some marketing muscle, something they've never really had, but always deserved. I mean, The Stranger might suck for all I know, but I really, really doubt it. Oddysee and Exoddus were both phenomenal games, and I'm sure Munch's is top tits as well (I finally picked it up recently - it's next on my list after Gaiden). AND HOLY SHIT - I JUST READ THE OFFICIAL RELEASE ON THE ODDWORLD SITE AND THE STRANGER IS COMING TO FUCKING PS2 AS WELL. THAT I DID NOT FUCKING KNOW. ROCK.
Speaking of Gaiden, I played a couple levels more, and it got a couple notches more awesome. The problems haven't gone away (inconsistencies in background interaction, camera), but when it works it's more badass than ever. I'm getting more comfortable with the move set too, which makes poppin' off heads as fun and easy as Shrinky Dinks. One great thing I'm noticing more and more is the satisfyingly unpredictable A.I. In most games like NG, every bad guy has his pattern, even in a 3D realm, and it's up to you to exploit it as many times as possible. The ninjas and security guard and bosses in NG all have their patterns, but they vary a lot and will usually find a way to exploit your patterns. Fend off a guy by guarding too much and he'll spin you around and slit your throat. It's frustrating as hell at times, but makes every kill all the more satisfying and all the more well-earned.
Lastly, I would like to briefly bring up something I overhead at Gamecrazy the other day. While browsing the used games for things to spend my remaining credit on (I eventually picked up NBA 2K1 for $1.80, NHL 2K for $2.80, and Chu-Chu Rocket for $2.99, all for Dreamcast - I'm glad I bought one in it's financial prime), I overheard one of the clerks playing The Suffering on one of the TVs. From reading several reviews I knew that it begins with you in jail, talking with other prisoners, when suddenly shit goes down and they all die. I heard most of it, but the initial conversations between the prisoners really made me cringe (and not because of bad voice acting, like usual). I knew the game had foul language, but I wasn't ready for this. I don't even want to type it, but it has to be fully retold for the sake of my story - "Shut the fuck up, you baby-raping, sodomizing cocksucker." No joke. I know I cuss in writing around here plenty, but that's just uncalled for. That was the worst thing said, but the rest was still R-rated at best. Now I'm all for making adult games, and all for not censoring them, but this just seems unnecessary. Obscenity for obscenity's sake just comes off as lame and immature. The prisoners in The Shawshank Redemption or The Butterfly Effect (you like those examples?) were plenty menacing, and didn't need to be that damn vulgar to do it. It just really makes me look down on a company when they try to push the envelope just for the hell of it (see: Manhunt). Push the envelope with your gameplay, assholes. And worst of all, it's not even a good insult. I mean, wouldn't you be more entertained and awed with a good ol "You Alpaca-feltching diaper dyke"?
Elsewhere, I'm really pleased to see EA pick up The Stranger, Oddworld Inhabitant's newest title. Microsoft decided to drop it from their publishing lineup a month or two back for whatever assumably asinine reason (probably doesn't have online play), which was a bit of a shock considering they paid so much to get their last game on the X-Box. I mean, um, it was the best system to develop for. Yes, that's it. Fuckers. Anyhow, it's awesome that EA is taking a chance on them, and broadening their lineup beyond sports and licensed games a bit. It should also give OI some marketing muscle, something they've never really had, but always deserved. I mean, The Stranger might suck for all I know, but I really, really doubt it. Oddysee and Exoddus were both phenomenal games, and I'm sure Munch's is top tits as well (I finally picked it up recently - it's next on my list after Gaiden). AND HOLY SHIT - I JUST READ THE OFFICIAL RELEASE ON THE ODDWORLD SITE AND THE STRANGER IS COMING TO FUCKING PS2 AS WELL. THAT I DID NOT FUCKING KNOW. ROCK.
Speaking of Gaiden, I played a couple levels more, and it got a couple notches more awesome. The problems haven't gone away (inconsistencies in background interaction, camera), but when it works it's more badass than ever. I'm getting more comfortable with the move set too, which makes poppin' off heads as fun and easy as Shrinky Dinks. One great thing I'm noticing more and more is the satisfyingly unpredictable A.I. In most games like NG, every bad guy has his pattern, even in a 3D realm, and it's up to you to exploit it as many times as possible. The ninjas and security guard and bosses in NG all have their patterns, but they vary a lot and will usually find a way to exploit your patterns. Fend off a guy by guarding too much and he'll spin you around and slit your throat. It's frustrating as hell at times, but makes every kill all the more satisfying and all the more well-earned.
Lastly, I would like to briefly bring up something I overhead at Gamecrazy the other day. While browsing the used games for things to spend my remaining credit on (I eventually picked up NBA 2K1 for $1.80, NHL 2K for $2.80, and Chu-Chu Rocket for $2.99, all for Dreamcast - I'm glad I bought one in it's financial prime), I overheard one of the clerks playing The Suffering on one of the TVs. From reading several reviews I knew that it begins with you in jail, talking with other prisoners, when suddenly shit goes down and they all die. I heard most of it, but the initial conversations between the prisoners really made me cringe (and not because of bad voice acting, like usual). I knew the game had foul language, but I wasn't ready for this. I don't even want to type it, but it has to be fully retold for the sake of my story - "Shut the fuck up, you baby-raping, sodomizing cocksucker." No joke. I know I cuss in writing around here plenty, but that's just uncalled for. That was the worst thing said, but the rest was still R-rated at best. Now I'm all for making adult games, and all for not censoring them, but this just seems unnecessary. Obscenity for obscenity's sake just comes off as lame and immature. The prisoners in The Shawshank Redemption or The Butterfly Effect (you like those examples?) were plenty menacing, and didn't need to be that damn vulgar to do it. It just really makes me look down on a company when they try to push the envelope just for the hell of it (see: Manhunt). Push the envelope with your gameplay, assholes. And worst of all, it's not even a good insult. I mean, wouldn't you be more entertained and awed with a good ol "You Alpaca-feltching diaper dyke"?
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