Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Me like Okami!

It seems like only a few days ago I was looking over the release list for the PlayStation 2 and not seeing any game I really wanted. Now Capcom has announced a new game that I may just have to pre order. Now I remember why I own all three systems. Okami!

Just by looking at a screenshot, you can tell the game is like no other. You play Amaterasu, a Japanese god, in a world devoid of color. Well, maybe not completely devoid, as there is clearly color in the shots. But, for some reason, a lot of the color has gone away. As a god, you have to get that color back or die trying. Hmmm, I wonder if you can actually die. I mean, what happens if god dies?

Anyway, the power system seems reminiscent of the ol' god sim Black and White. You gain power based on how strong people believe in you. If you fulfill their wishes, you grow stronger. If you don't let them win the lottery or make out with Christie Brinkley, you lose power. It's as simple as that.

I'm not really sure what the game actually plays like, but I don't really care. The game has a great pedigree, and you know I'm all over the pedigree. Remember that awesome 2D sidescroller on the Gamecube that let you control time? No, not Prince of Persia Dan. Viewtiful Joe! A game I'll be getting in a few days. Well, the guys who made that are working on Okami, so you know it will be great. Did you see how awesome it looks? And you get to play as a god. I haven't done that since Gameday '98!

Anyway, I love shit like this. Everyone who reads this site, go out and buy this game when it gets released. We don't want Capcom to think we're stupid Americans who only play Madden and Tom Clancy games.

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