Thursday, February 12, 2004

You look smashing

Man, I really need to play some Smash Brothers Melee now. It's still my favorite multiplayer game on the Cube, but Double Dash is coming on strong and there's always Crystal Chronicles...

There are two things that make Smash Bros. more fun than just about anything ever. First, Luigi has a great taunt move. Unlike the other characters and their not even mildly intimidating taunt (Link drinks milk for Christ's sake!) Luigi brings it.

His move starts out innocent enough. He looks forlornly at the ground, then sweeps it with his foot as if to say "I'm sorry..." One is liable to get all doey-eyed watching it the first time. "How sweet" you might think "He's sorry for kicking so much ass and now he's saying sorry like that evil boy said to Old Yeller before he pulled the trigger." Once you start thinking about Old Yeller, the trap is set. Your opponent, stupid as he is stinky, walks up to Luigi, thinking he has a free shot. Then *Biff* *Bam* *Kapowie* Luigi is kicking his ass.

How, you might ask? If you come too close to him while he's swiping his foot on the ground, that foot is likely to find it's way right to your groin or, if you're a lady, head. Sure, it's only 1% damage, but it's enough to teach a lesson you won't soon forget.

Also, calling three way truce before a match and teaming up on the sucker who chose Pikachu is a time honored tradition that really brings a tear to this tired, sometimes jaded eye.

As you might have read earlier, I am, in fact, having some friends over to play Crystal Chronicles on Friday. Lanyon of hating Mac fame will be there, as well as Andy, who loves Grand Theft Auto more than drinking beer and wearing dirty socks. The fourth is... no, not Nick. Nick doesn't own a Gameboy Advance. No, the fourth is local Nintendo nut Ryan something or other. He offered to bring both his SPs (yes, Nick, he owns two SPs) to replace Andy's sorry excuse for a regular Gameboy Advance.

So, while Nick is invited to attend, his lack of any portable device released this century will bar him from any extended playing time. Hopefully, this will learn him to get a GBASP of his own.

A quick impression: "Hi there, my name is Nick. I'm willing to wait 8 months for an unproven portable system, in a field no one has ever successfully competed in, and pay twice as much. That's right, I have so much blind love for Sony that I will forgo a purchase of an SP, though it's a great system with many great games already on the market, for something Sony hasn't even shown a picture of yet, let alone any real games."

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