Tuesday, February 10, 2004

My GBA and GC are in wuv.

FF:CC = Fantastic. I'm not going to get into the whole "Damn Nintendo for making me take out a second mortgage on my house so I could buy a GBA to play Crystal chronicles" argument. All I'm going to say is it's worth it. Besides, you only -need- to own a GBA if you are playing multiplayer. My only qualm with the game (and many other square games), Is that you cant skip many of the more boring movies. Yep, you have to sit through the 5 minute opening every time you start a new game. But moving on...

FFVIII made baby jesus cry. It wasn't the graphics, it wasn't the game play- It was the fact that the game is a huge product of Japanese pop culture. The zig-zagging plot, illogical flashbacks, and predictable twists remind me of a great many "B" anime movies. X (and X-2) are guilty of the same crimes. Example: the opening of X-2 has one of the main characters from FFX singing a pop song on stage. Only the Japanese would create a great idol and leader of humanity (the great high summoner in this case) and have her sing pop songs with ridiculous lyrics about "true love" and "opening your heart" or whatever. Imagine George W. Bush singing a semi-techno song about "The heart of my spirit unlocks the door of love" (actual anime theme lyrics) in front of a screaming crowd of fan-boys. Yeah.

The DC Q3 played with the PC eh? I never knew that, but I would have to pity the guys using the DC. Not that the DC is a bad system, or even worse than a PC from it's day, but having played many 1'st person shooters on both PC and console I can tell you that a mouse and keyboard will always clean up in any FPS. Thus, when Halo was released on the PC they had to up the difficulty for the single-player game (by quite a bit too).

Anyway, time for more FF:CC.


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