Friday, February 06, 2004

Let's get this thing started

There comes a point in every budding journalists life where they are aware of a certain topic they want to expound upon, but have no real credentials to levy information or opinion of any kind on the subject. Sadly, that day has already arrived for me.

For you see, within the next 7 days, there will be both a generation defining video game release as well as one of the most important movies to ever grace the fair city of Chicago. And I, sadly confided to living in the present, have not yet been able to taste but a hint of the sweet honey these two nectars of beauty will surely produce. What releases could have me in such a buzz, a man who normally reserves opinion for things he has actually had experience?

The answer is deliciously simple. First, the movie. A movie many visionaries have dreamt of, possibly, in a far off dream somewhere, but only one had the guts to actually borrow a few thousand dollars and make this movie. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra is, most likely, getting praise from everyone who sees it. Is it a movie that dares to be different by doing something that has been many, many, many times before. It is a 1950s B Movie that was made just last year set around aliens, monsters and, yes, a lost skeleton or two (proably just the one) that takes itself seriously. Which, of course, means it is a very funny movie. No, I have not seen more than a minute in puny trailer form, but I know I will be at the theater opening day, Friday the 13th, to witness history in the making.

5 days before the world is shocked by the uncovering of a hidden skeleton or something in a cave somewhere, Nintendo fans will sit quietly in their homes, buck naked, letting the captivating light from a new Square game clense their dirty bodies. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles will be the first new Final Fantasy game for a Nintendo system since, well, movies like Lost Skeleton of Cadvra were an accepted part of mainstream culture. Now, whille it does, apparantly, differ greatly from previous FF games, I am certain, even without playing it, that it will be the Greatest 4 Player Game Ever. Or at least the Greatest Four Player Final Fantasy Game Ever. That's a much easier proclamation to make. So, while I may not actually purchase said game, the knowledge that happy gamers everywhere are doing unspeakable acts in front of their TV with the game makes me smile like a kid in a palladium.

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