Thursday, February 12, 2004
It is heavier than air?
Man, now I have to go and defend myself cause of unnecessarily harsh Tom. I've owned a regular Game Boy and a Game Boy Color in my time, and I have nothing against the system. I'm sure the GBASP is great, and I know there are many great games out for it. But for one, I'm not out and about too much right now, and when I am and it's in an instance where playing would make sense, such as a train, I'm usually reading. And if I'm at home, I might as well play games on the TV. If anything, it makes more sense for me to get a GBA player. But lets say I was to go and get a GBASP right now (which I probably would, if I found one for $75 or less). If I wait eight months or so, I'll have two new portable systems to choose from. It would be like buying a PS1 eight months before the PS2 was coming out. Sure, it's a great system and there's lots of good games for it, but it just doesn't make sense, especially financially. In a perfect world I'd have all the systems around and have my pick of the litter when it came to games, but with a limited gaming budget I have to be more picky than I'd like. Even if someone wanted to buy a PS2 right now, I'd probably tell them to wait for a PS3, or at least until they dropped the price. And as far as blind love, Mr. "I have all the systems and consider myself a gamer and don't buy games too often yet I'll spend $30 on the new GBA Banjo-Kazooie game", it's no so much love as it is faith. Sony hasn't made a product I've been disappointed with yet, and I took the leap of faith with them and went online and have been very pleased with it. I think they're a very smart company, and they can't afford not to be considering most of their revenue comes from their videogame division. They've been working on a handheld for years, and recently alloted a good portion of their internal development teams to the PSP. If it fails, they fail, and they wouldn't let that happen. Yes, no new games have been shown, but many have been more or less announced, including all of their top franchises (such as a strongly rumored new Socom, which will find new opponents for you to play with an 802.11b wireless connection as you stroll the street or ride the train/horse/what have you). It's almost as powerful as PS2 on paper already, and they haven't even finalized the specs. Yes, that still doesn't mean it will be great, or take over the market, or anything really. But it does give me faith in it, and that's all I need to hold off on spending my money on a competing system at least until their unveil it. Same goes for the NintendoDS, for that matter. And that just seems like the sensible thing to do.
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